22 Reasons To Love Emma Scott, Interview Time


I’m not a very sweet person, that doesn’t mean I an evil person either. I see myself as cool chick who may do sweet things from time to time for those I care about and that’s about it. As a nurse, I’m an empathetic person which causes me do sweet things but overall, no I’m not very sweet. With that being said, I love sweet people.

I’ve been wanting to interview Emma Scott for quite some time now because she has to be one of the most kindhearted people I’ve ever come across in my life. Seriously, she’s beyond charitable and courteous.  Let’s not forget, she’s one of BEST authors out today. She took time out of her busy schedule to answer a few (loads) of questions for me.

I’m am going to ask you author related questions but first I thought we could get to know you first, Emma Scott. I searched around and played with a few questions and would love to hear your answers. The most important question is….

So, let’s get messy

1. What type of alcohol do you drink when you’re writing?

I don’t drink while I write unless you count tea. I drink that by the gallon and coffee in the a.m. I know, I’m boring, but I need to be firing on all cylinders since I’ve usually gotten myself backed up against a deadline.

2. What songs do you listen to the most? I find that the type of music someone listens to can tell you a lot about them. 

I also can’t listen to music while I write, but I listen before and after for inspiration, and what I listen to changes based on mood. Right now I’m obsessed with “Lost on You” by LP. If you haven’t heard it, listen now. It’s MADE for the romance reader.

3. Who would you say knows you the best and how would they describe you?

My husband knows me best and I think he would say I’m hilarious. Because I am. And modest. Super hilarious and modest.
But really, we do make each other laugh which is key, and I appreciate that about him too. He would probably also describe me as impatient, emotional, and not a very good cook.

4. What advice would you give you 21 year old self?

Stop partying so much, don’t be a theatre major, you’ll never use it, and start writing your romances now. BE that. Stop BEING things that you’re not and find that bliss early so you can get better and better at it.

5. If you could pick one age to be for the rest of your life what would it be and why? Mine is 29!

23! Best year ever. I didn’t get much done but I was enjoying life and living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world (San Francisco).

Let’s get down to some good stuff…

As you know, I was still coping with the loss of Jonah after Full Tilt when you released The Butterfly Project. Beckett did help my healing process but I’m still working through it.

6. Who was the hardest character to write, Jonah or Beckett?

It’s a strange feeling when someone says they’re still hurting over Jonah. On the one hand, I feel bad, and the other, I feel extremely gratified that I introduced this person to the world and readers love him. Like, they’re taking care of him still, (even though he’s fictional and that’s sort of weird but I don’t care). I’m glad Beckett is there to help, but he was much harder to write than Jonah. Jonah—and all of Full Tilt, actually, was the easiest novel I’ve ever written. The subject was hard and painful, but the actual writing was easy. Jonah slipped right onto the page. Beckett, having to follow up Jonah and Theo, was more of a challenge. He had big shoes to fill, in a way, but had to be his own person too. It took a little bit of time to find him but when he sat down to write that first letter to Mrs. J, I thought. “Ah, there he is.”

I am not a fan of audio books, it just they take away my version of a character. Right now I am listening to Full Tilt on my way home from work every morning (I work night shift). The only reason why I do listen to it is so someone else can read it for me as I’ve read it 3 times so my version will never leave me.

7. How do you feel about your books being made into audio books?

I’m so happy you’re listening!! I cannot praise the narrators, Caitlin Kelly and Nelson Hobbs enough. They brought it to life and made me cry buckets.   I love having my books turned into audio. It’s the strangest feeling, like watching a video review. You’re listening to another human being speak your words and live your characters. It’s an incredible experience.

8. Given the opportunity – which I can totally see happening for you – would your rather one of your books to be made into a movie or tv show?

I would love that. Talk about surreal, omg. I think if I had a choice, I’d love to see the Full Tilt duet or maybe RUSH turned into a mini series. I like to tell smaller stories about intimate situations, so I think the small screen would be suited for that but if some studio came calling I’m not going to be picky =)

9. Rumor has it that some of writers work is often based on their life at some point or another. I’m not a writer and never could be, it’s not my thing, so I won’t ever know. Would you say that is true? If so which book?

Okay so let’s, as you like to say, get messy here. Yes, there is the old piece of advice, “Write what you know.” I think all writers infuse themselves into their work in some way, or use the observations of life around them and distill that into their work to greater or lesser degrees. For me, my heroines all have a piece of me. I’ve not had experiences close to any of theirs in great detail, but they each have a little bit of myself and my life in them. Charlotte has my love for Mozart (and my wish I could play the violin); Kacey has my longing for a better relationship with my dad and, to be honest, some of my experiences with alcohol; Zelda has my devotion of comic books, and her love for her lost little sister is a manifestation of the love and fear I have for my own little girl who has a heart condition; Jo is the writer in me (though I can’t write poetry to save my butt); and Natalie from my first book is the shy girl I used to be all through high school who lived in books. So while I’ve never experienced firsthand what they have, they are embodiments of my life in bits and pieces.

10. What is your favorite quote?

From my books or in general? I have so many from others, the primary being a good piece of advice from Ernest Hemingway, “The first draft of anything is shit.” I think the main quote from books that sort of encompasses my world view is “Love always wins, always.” And I love and live the quote by E.B. White, “All that I hope to say in books, all that I ever hope to say, is that I love the world.

One of favorite things about your writing is how normal the characters are. There are a shit ton of books out that always have the male main character some multi-millionaire who falls in love with a girl who loves him for him and not his money. I’m so over that fluff personally.

11. Why do you steer clear of that fluff, as I call it?

I think this goes back to an earlier response where I said I like to write smaller stories. I honestly don’t know what to do with big billionaire stories or political intrigue or stories with a ton of moving parts. I like little stories that really dig into the intimate details and emotions of the lives of regular people, even if the situations are a little unfamiliar. For instance, Evan’s ability to sort of predict the future through dreams in How to Save a Life is not common, but I cannot tell you how many readers messaged me about that book and how it resonated with them because they too had experienced something in their lives they couldn’t explain neatly, but felt destined or “meant to be.” Those are the stories I want to tell right now, where even if the reader has never seen their sister abducted, or been to prison, or been blinded in an accident, they can relate to guilt or loss or pain, because those elements are universal. And that’s what I like exploring, with the ultimate end being that love is the binding force that makes it all worth it.

After I read Full Tilt, I couldn’t pick up another book for 10 days. Even after I did, no matter what it was I felt like it was mediocre because no one’s writing was as good as yours to me. Everyone I gave the books to as a gift cried their hearts out and loved it.

12. Why do you think Full Tilt stayed with as many people for so long after they read it? 

Thank you for that, first off. I’m sure I’m a broken record by now, but I’ll never get tired of thanking readers and bloggers for sharing my work with others. I’m so grateful and always will be.I think the pain of losing someone is unfortunately all too common, and just on that basic level, Full Tilt is relatable. What I’ve been told, and which I really wanted to infuse into the book, is that it’s the love makes the pain worth it, and the idea that a ‘full life’ is not how much time we have, it’s how we live it. Many readers messaged me or stated in reviews that the book made them see their lives in a different light, and that they try not to waste a single moment. For a writer, what’s better than that? Nothing, I tell you. It’s a gift to me, those reactions and messages and reviews. The personal connection between the reader and what I wrote and the fact they choose to reach out to me makes every single late night spent in anxiety and doubt worth it and then some.And I think Jonah is another reason. His innate goodness and kindness is something that readers really fell in love with, and through him, they experienced the story. I’ve read more comments about Jonah than I have of any other character I’ve written. Is it weird to say I’m proud of him? Well, I will anyway. At this point, he feels like a real person who doesn’t belong to me anymore; he belongs to the readers and I can visit him now and then in the pages. I know, I know, outside of this book world that might sound crazy, but hey, that’s this business for you. Jonah is so well taken care of by my readers, I can’t help but feel blessed and grateful he told his story to me.

13. Do realize that you are a better author than most? I mean it is so true! No modesty allowed here, Emma.

That’s extremely sweet of you to say, and I’m not going to pretend it doesn’t feel good, but the nanosecond I think to myself, “Yeah, baby, you got this!” is the day I’m certain to fail. I am fueled by the deep-rooted need to improve with every book (and there is PLENTY of room for that) and the even deeper-seeded desire to not let my readers down. I agonize over these books because the fear that they will not live up to the demand I place on them, and what readers, in my mind, expect and deserve, is very real. I put a shit-ton of pressure on myself and strive to get better with every book. I think that’s all any author can do.

14. How do you handle criticism of your work?

I throw things and swear a lot.
Ha! Just kidding. I read all negative reviews. Some authors don’t and I get why. It stings. But I read them, I digest them, I search it for truth or ways to improve and then I move on. I also have trusted beta readers and editors who can tell me anything and I literally beg them to. I’d rather hear it all before I hit “publish.” But the truth is, I’m almost more afraid of a bunch of 3 stars that say, “Meh” than a 1 star that rants and raves, because at least in the case of the one star, I’ve left an impression.

15. Do you think bloggers/reviewers have a role in the success of your books?

Omg where do I begin? If it weren’t for bloggers and reviewers, I wouldn’t be here. Probably 99% of us wouldn’t have careers and the other 1% is JK Rowling. 

For me personally, I have been beyond blessed/spoiled by bloggers who have taken a chance on my books, taken the time to read them, and then spread the word to their readers. Word of mouth is how every book began its life, (including Harry Potter, actually) and in the vast sea of romance novels, to have a blogger or reviewer pluck it up and tell others about it is a gift. Whatever success I have, I owe to bloggers and readers in general and I don’t foresee a situation in which that isn’t the case. Even if HBO does come calling (ha ha) the only reason is because someone put one of my books in someone else’s hand and said, “Read this.”

I want to end this interview with a few more simple questions about you, if you don’t mind. One word answers are okay here.

16. What was the last movie that made you cry?
Hidden Figures

17. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Helen Mirren

18. What celebrity would you leave your husband for? Or at least a one night stand.
Tie: Jon Hamm/Carrie Brownstein when she’s Lance on Portlandia

19. If you could master one skill in life, that’s not writing, what would it be?
Not taking things personally.

20. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
French bread, fettuccine alfredo, salad with croutons, a croissant, an éclair, and a slice of pineapple/black olive pizza, and I’d wash it all down with a liter of Coke. Then I wouldn’t have to face the chair; I’d die of a bread and sugar coma.

21. Why did you agree to this interview?
Because I HAD to know what questions you were going to ask. I knew it would be fun/scary/unique and I was right on all counts.

22. What does your husband think about the sex scenes you write and has it made him be a better lover?Now that is a question, isn’t it? Not to veer off topic (or create a diversion) but the reaction I get from people—mostly dads at school functions when they ask me what I do for a living, is truly hilarious. I swear they all think I have a secret sex dungeon in the basement. They hear “romance novel” and it likely conjures all sorts of misconceptions but that’s okay. I don’t need to defend the genre; it’s powerful as it is and I’m proud as hell to be a part of it.

To actually answer the question, my hubs doesn’t read my stuff anymore. This isn’t a bad thing; his support of my work is unconditional and constant but after reading three, he’s left me to my own devices and trusts I’m putting out my best work. So I can’t say it’s directly impacted him in the sack but he was already great to begin with.

Is this question over now? LOL


I am so humbled by that fact that you agreed to this interview, it means a lot to me, truly. I’m a huge fan of yours and I can’t wait to meet you in next year in London!!!!!!! We so have to have a drink or six, my treat.

I can’t wait! I keep thinking London is so far away, but when I put out three books a year, that’s three deadlines that rush up to meet me and the time just flies. OMG I can’t wait. Just be prepared, I’m a crier. You might get slobbered on, no promises.

Here’s a few of Emma Scott’s book and I have read everyone! Click on them to get yours!

You can find Emma here…






Click here for a chance to win free eBooks and a signed paperback from Emma Scott herself.

My version of few of the character’s from the book . Enjoy! 🙂



Hey there! I'm Danielle! I just a girl who loves books. I love books so much that I talk about the stories like they are real. Who knows? Maybe, they are real to me. I do love the book world, it's way better than reality. . .sometimes. . .because. . .I'm also a proud mama bear, wife, and mother!

12 thoughts on “22 Reasons To Love Emma Scott, Interview Time

  1. Jealous. I’m jealous. I know it’s not a nice thing to admit but I’m 1134% jealous that you got to interact with Emma Scott. I finished Full Tilt a couple of days ago and loved it, gahh.
    Great interview!!!!

  2. Totally awesome interview! Loved the questions, Danielle, and adored the candid answers, Emma!!

  3. I devoured every word… and couldn’t help a few tears at the mention of Jonah. I sill haven’t had the courage to brave All In but I’ll soon be reading The Butterfly Project and can’t wait to start it.
    Amazing interview, Danielle!!!

      1. I really don’t know. I would have thought it would be for authors of mystery books, or bloggers of mystery books, but I was nominated so I just went with it. Lol 😊

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