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An Open Letter To My Book Friends


Dear Book Friend,

You came into my life randomly and unexpectedly. There wasn’t anything special about the day. It was just a regular day. We didn’t know each other and what we would grow to be. I was unprepared for what you would eventually mean to me.

You have came into my life when I needed you the most and I feel like we’ve known each other forever even though we meet through the love of books we have. I knew by the books you read and reviews you wrote – you were my type of person.

The last year has been hard for me and I have been crazy busy trying to get my life in order. It’s been hard trying to keep up with social media and connecting with you like I used to. I have been thinking about you and what you mean to me. Friendship is not easy but it is wonderful when you find it. It may not be what your used to but that’s what makes us so special. I believe there is a reason why we came into each other’s lives.

I’m difficult to keep in contact with sometimes because I favor becoming withdrawn when I’m hurting or going through a tough time. Thank you for understanding that about me and not hating me if we didn’t talk for a few months.

Here’s a list of some of things I thank you for. . .

More than anything I want to thank you for sharing my pain. You let me know I wasn’t alone even when you didn’t know it. Whether is was one text, one comment, one like, one share, or one DM – it meant to much to me. You make me feel less alone.

Even though we meet online over our love for books doesn’t take away our relationship. You are my BOOK PERSON for life. I can’t wait to meet you one day face to face but until then keep being the brilliant person you are that as make me a better reader, blogger, and overall person.

Enough of this mushy shit. Love you for life!!!!!

Danielle (AKA That Messy Bitch, Crazy Bitch, I Can’t Stand You Bitch, and Your Bitch)

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